3 Mosquito Spraying Long Island Pointers For Cookouts

By David Kellan

Cookouts can provide ample enjoyment, not only among food lovers but family and friends as well. Despite this, there is a level of care that should be taken when it comes to mosquitoes. These pests can be bothersome during this time of the year, so knowing how to prevent them is vital. Courtesy of Long Island mosquito control specialists, here are 3 methods to follow so that you can make future cookouts more enjoyable.

In order to help your barbecue stay pest-free, professional services from companies such as Alternative Earthcare are recommended. Not only are they familiar organic mosquito control, but a variety of other services as well. They will be able to keep fleas, ticks, and the like away from your area that will be used for serving food and mingling with guests. When in doubt, you can't go wrong by getting in touch with a professional.

You can also help your cookout by removing standing water. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you have old flower pots lying around. While you may not use them for planting, it's possible that water will accumulate in them. What this means is that your flower pots could become areas where mosquitoes multiply. Standing water sources such as this should be accounted for so that you can make your cookout more pest-free.

Did you know that citronella candles can make a huge difference, too? Not only are these used for the scents that they provide, but the pest control benefits they offer as well. Citronella candles have often been used to keep bugs away, which is especially true during the warmer months when people will spend more time outdoors. If you're looking for another way to keep these pests away, it's hard to go wrong with these candles.

No barbecue is complete without food, but it's important to know how to handle it for mosquito control purposes. In order to keep mosquitoes away, you might want to serve hot dogs, burgers, steaks, and what have you indoors. Your guests can decide if they'd like to take their meals outdoors. You should also cover whatever food isn't being used with tin foil or saranwrap. By doing so, mosquitoes will be less likely to get into what you've spent ample time preparing.

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