When you think about some of the most common mistakes while preparing meals, which ones come to mind? Perhaps it's miscalculating just how much sugar a pastry needs or maybe you left a loaf of bread in the oven a few minutes too many. Many can chalk these up to being rookie mistakes but those who have been preparing meals for several years still encounter struggles, whether they were of their own faults or not. Forbes recently put together a list of such mistakes but here were the top 3 that stood out to me.
1. Chop your onions carefully. It's surprising to see which actions should be taken when preparing food and there's a level of care to consider with onions that even the most experienced of chefs may forgo. The first rule to consider is that before cutting the onion, leave the root intact. Finger placement is also important so that the appropriate cuts can be made without actually making contact with said root. This should give cooks a good start during the chopping process.
2. Understand just how much butter should be used. Contrary to what many people might believe, there are actually quite a few nutritional properties to consider with butter. A couple of examples are in the realm of fat-soluble vitamins, A and E being two such vitamins to consider. With that said, there is cholesterol to consider with butter as well, so the concerns behind it aren't unwarranted. It's just a matter of keeping the amount of butter used as moderated as possible in the long run.
3. There are certain kinds of produce that do not belong in the refrigerator. If you would like a couple of examples of this, keep in mind the idea of tomatoes and how they do not exactly thrive well in cooler environments. Instead, make it a point to set them on your kitchen table or counter so that they can remain in a warmer place. The same can be said for other types of produce like onions, as mentioned before, so make sure that you do your research beforehand.
While there were other pointers that the article made mention of, I couldn't help but consider these the most important that all cooks should consider. It's understandable that everyone is going to make mistakes in the realm of cooking, even those who have been involved in it for a long time. However, mistakes do not have to be repeated. It's just a matter of making sure that you can not only pinpoint where you went wrong but make an effort to avoid it from happening again.
1. Chop your onions carefully. It's surprising to see which actions should be taken when preparing food and there's a level of care to consider with onions that even the most experienced of chefs may forgo. The first rule to consider is that before cutting the onion, leave the root intact. Finger placement is also important so that the appropriate cuts can be made without actually making contact with said root. This should give cooks a good start during the chopping process.
2. Understand just how much butter should be used. Contrary to what many people might believe, there are actually quite a few nutritional properties to consider with butter. A couple of examples are in the realm of fat-soluble vitamins, A and E being two such vitamins to consider. With that said, there is cholesterol to consider with butter as well, so the concerns behind it aren't unwarranted. It's just a matter of keeping the amount of butter used as moderated as possible in the long run.
3. There are certain kinds of produce that do not belong in the refrigerator. If you would like a couple of examples of this, keep in mind the idea of tomatoes and how they do not exactly thrive well in cooler environments. Instead, make it a point to set them on your kitchen table or counter so that they can remain in a warmer place. The same can be said for other types of produce like onions, as mentioned before, so make sure that you do your research beforehand.
While there were other pointers that the article made mention of, I couldn't help but consider these the most important that all cooks should consider. It's understandable that everyone is going to make mistakes in the realm of cooking, even those who have been involved in it for a long time. However, mistakes do not have to be repeated. It's just a matter of making sure that you can not only pinpoint where you went wrong but make an effort to avoid it from happening again.
About the Author:
For more information about the best establishments for culinary arts, look into the best cooking schools in Seattle.
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